Public consultation – Evaluation of the Horizon 2020 and the interim evaluation of Horizon Europe in the impact area ‚Green Transition’

Evaluation of the Horizon 2020 and the interim evaluation of Horizon Europe in the impact area „Green Transition”.

We would appreciate it immensely if you take the time to share your experience and ideas for improvement.

Taking part in the survey will improve the evidence base of the evaluation; will draw the attention to positive sides and drawbacks and ultimately enhance the benefits that research organisations, companies and other stakeholders in Europe derive from their participation in European research and technology development programmes. The survey is also an opportunity for you to share valuable insights and ideas for improvement.


Click here to start 

As per our estimation, answering the questions in the survey will take between 30 to 45 minutes. The survey will close on the 6th of September 2022. In case if you have participated in multiple projects, please answer only once for the project of your own choice.

All responses obtained will be treated in the strictest confidence, in line with EU legislation on data protection.
Thank you in advance for your input to this important exercise.

You can find the letter whereby the European Commission endorses this survey below.


