Young Researchers’ Innovative Ideas: Science Start-Ups in the Industry

 We invite you to participate in the 6th edition of the Conference „Young Researchers’ Innovative Ideas: Science Start-Ups in the Industry” which will be held on 12-13 May 2020. The conference will be held online

It is our pleasure to invite young researchers and PhD students to prepare presentations about innovative solutions (social, organizational, marketing, product, and process-related) addressed to business entities. 

 Thematic areas: 

  • University Social Responsability 
  • Mechanics, mechatronics and nanotechnologies 
  • Management of mineral resources 
  • Environmental Protection 
  • Economics and management 
  • Energy industry 
  • New Information and Communication Technologies 

The development and implementation of innovation is being widely discussed now both at the EU forum as well as in Poland). Many documents emphasize the need to create a knowledge-based economy by means of increasing scientific potential, mobility of academic staff, and commercialization of inventions and innovations. Therefore, the purpose of the conference is to promote innovative solutions which are largely created by young scientists and students. 

The participation in the conference is free of charge, Due to the COVID-19 virus outbreak , the conference will be held online.

The necessary condition of participation is Filling out and submitting an electronic form (by April 20, 2020):


Presentations and posters proposals for the titles of presentation and posters with a summary (minimum 200 words in the form of the purpose of the work, method, application possibilities) should be send via the form on the website: www.iati.pl

We anticipate presentation sessions (7 minutes) and poster sessions – an electronic poster (2 minutes – up to 2 PP slides). 

In each session, the best poster/presentation presented is will be awarded. 

Programme: 11.05.2020 r. 
15:00-17:00  Registration 
12.05.2020 r. 
09:00-10.30  I presentation sessions 
11.00-12.30  II presentation sessions 
12.30-13.30  Lunch Break 
13.30-15.00  III presentation sessions 
15.00-16.00  Poster sessions 
13.05.2020 r. 
10.00-11.30  IV presentation sessions 
12.00-14.00  V presentation sessions 
14.00-15.00  Poster sessions 

Scientific Committee: 

prof. Joanna Kulczycka – chairwoman
prof. Wioletta Bajdur, PCz Częstochowa
prof. Agnieszka Cholewa-Wójcik, UEK Cracow
prof. Anna Czaplicka, PK Cracow
prof. Liana Czernobay, Lviv Polytechnic National University
prof. Beata Dubiel, AGH Kraków
prof. Krzysztof Gaska, PŚl Gliwice
prof. Agnieszka Generowicz, PK Cracow
prof. Loredana Incarnato, University of Salerno
prof. Natalia Iwaszczuk, WZ AGH Cracow
prof. Andrzej Jarosiński, MEERI PAS Cracow
prof. Zygmunt Kowalski, MEERI PAS Cracow
prof. Bogdan Księżopolski, UMCS Lublin
prof. Marina Mistretta, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria
prof. Krzysztof Pikoń, PŚl Gliwice
prof. Barbara Pawłowska, UG Gdańsk
prof. Elżbieta Pietrzyk-Sokulska, MEERI PAS Cracow
prof. Zhanna Poplavska, Lviv Polytechnic National University
prof. Maria Richert, WZ AGH Cracow
prof. Sergii Sharyn, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
prof. Viktor Shevchuk, Lviv University of Trade and Economics
prof. Barbara Tomaszewska, AGH Cracow
prof. Maria Włodarczyk-Makuła, PCz Częstochowa
PhD Jutta Nuortila-Jokinen, Assoc. Professor LUT University
PhD Eng. Józef Ciuła, Sądeckie Wodociągi
PhD Eng. Ewa Kochańska, CBI ProAkademia, Łódź
PhD Aleksander Iwaszczuk, PK Cracow
PhD Eng. Dariusz Sala, WZ AGH Cracow

