Specialist in the circular economy of plastic packaging

The programme “Specialist in the circular economy of plastic packaging” is an exclusive learning experience especially designed for freshly graduated students and professionals who aim to increase their skills and prepare for becoming circular economy specialists in the framework of the plastics sector.

The programme is funded by the EU, through the ERASMUS+ KA2 PackAlliance project, participated by leading educational and industrial partners in the field.

The programme has an overall load of 30 ECTS and will take place from October 1st 2021 to May 20th 2022. The course will be divided in five thematic modules:

  • Module 1. New materials and biomaterials.
  • Module 2. Eco-design and novel manufacturing processing.
  • Module 3. Residue management and valorisation.
  • Module 4. Citizen and consumer engagement.
  • Module 5. Challenge-based collaborative practice.
More information and registration: https://www.packall.eu/training-programme/
If you would like to know more about the Project and PackAlliance Programme please register to the webinar which take the place on June 10: https://www.packall.eu/packall-online-workshop-specialist-in-the-circular-economy-of-plastic-packaging/

