Bioservice Innovative Center for Analysis and Implementation Zielonagospodarka

Center’s profile

The Bioservice Innovative Center for Analysis and Implementation is an interdisciplinary group of experts working at the Faculty of Economics at the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin. It is a modern institution supporting businessmen and scientists focused around R&D and the implementations in the field of bioeconomy. The center:

  • enables the transfer of scientific knowledge into economy,
  • provides access to the latest knowledge and scientific information in the field of bioeconomy, as well as information about the demand for technologies among the entrepreneurs in this field,

facilitates contact between scientists and businesses, provides support for performance analyses of innovative projects and the possibilities for the commercialization thereof.

Cooperation proposal

  1. market research,
  2. analysis of market conditions for new products and services,
  3. study of customer expectations in relation to new products and their prices,
  4. determination of economic efficiency for the manufacture of new products and technologies,
  5. assessment of the possibility of commercializing new solutions,
  6. evaluation of the effectiveness and risk of new business ventures,
  7. analyses of cluster connections in the area of bioeconomy ,
  8. analyses of risk of business ventures,
  9. analyses of competitiveness of economic entities,
  10. analyses of the development potential of the food industry and other components of agribusiness.


Coordinator – Arkadiusz Malkowski, Ph.D.

Faculty of Economics, West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin



(Polski) Publikacje


  1. Malkowski A.,2016, Program rewitalizacji jako narządzie zarządzania obszarem peryferyjnym, Przedsiębiorczość I Zarządzanie Wydawnictwo SAN | ISSN 1733-2486 Tom XVII | Zeszyt 2 | Część I,s. 223 -235 http://piz.san.edu.pl/index.php?id=163
  2. Malkowski A., 2016, Border Traffic as a Factor in the Development of Border Regions – a Case Study of West Pomeranian Voivodeship. w : ZESZYT NAUKOWY UNIWESYTETU SZCZECIŃSKIEGO. WSPÓŁCZESNE PROBLEMY EKONOMICZNE. GLOBALIZACJA. LIBERALIZACJA. ETYKA, nr 12. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, Szczecin. ISSN 2081-9579, s. 37-48 http://www.wzieu.pl/zn/wpe/12/WPE_12_tresc.pdf
  3. Malkowski A., 2016, Assessment of border region development based on the case study of the Lubusz Voivodeship, FOLIA POMERANAE UNIVERSITATIS TECHNOLOGIAE STETINENSIS SERIA OECONOMICA, Szczecin, ISSN http://www.wydawnictwo.zut.edu.pl/files/magazines/2/66/888.pdf


Opinie o innowacyjności:


  1. Malkowski A. Opinia o innowacyjności, COOL INVEST SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOSCIĄ Zleceniodawca FSNT NOT w Szczecinie, Szczecin 2016
  2. Malkowski A., Opinia o innowacyjości, DROG-MET. Zleceniodawca FSNT NOT w Szczecinie, Szczecin 2016
  3. Malkowski A., Opinia o innowacyjości, PAMET Hubert Paprocki. Zleceniodawca FSNT NOT w Szczecinie, Szczecin 2016
  4. Malkowski A., Opinia o innowacyjości, Okna Pankowski . Zleceniodawca FSNT NOT w Szczecinie, Szczecin 2016

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