Process Safety Competence Center Bezpieczeństwo

Process Safety Center operates at Czestochowa University of Technology. The center includes both research units, as well as production and service enterprises. Process Safety Center has the personal and tool database which are constantly supplemented and extended to increases the competence of the Centre.

Among the members of the Process Safety Center,  there are specialists in the field of production engineering, health and safety, machinery exploitation, production and technology. Personal composition provides the ability to work on modern lines and planning in the field of advanced engineering materials with parallel work safety providing. An important aspect is the fact that majority of action plan are in accordance on lean management principles, also based on the standards used in Europe for Quality Management Systems, Environmental as well as Occupational Health and Safety System. In addition, except  broad intellectual potential, partners counted as part of the Center have tool potential in the form of specialized laboratory equipment.

Dr hab. inż. Robert Ulewicz, prof. PCz,
e-mail: ulewicz@zim.pcz.pl
tel. 601 541 609
Contact person:
Dr inż. Dorota Klimecka-Tatar,
e-mail: klimt@wip.pcz.pl
tel. 34 3250 399


  1. Ulewicz R., Żywiołek J., BEZPIECZEŃSTWO SYSTEMU: CZŁOWIEK – OBIEKT TECHNICZNY  – OTOCZENIE – monografia,  Oficyna Wydawnicza Stowarzyszenia Menedżerów Jakości i Produkcji,  Częstochowa 2016
  2. Klimecka-Tatar D.,Pacana A, Systemy bezpieczeństwa w podmiotach gospodarczych  – monografia, Oficyna Wydawnicza Stowarzyszenia Menedżerów Jakości i Produkcji,  Częstochowa 2016
  3. Ulewicz R., Klimecka-Tatar D, Mazur M, Niciejewska M, Wybrane aspekty zarządzania bezpieczeństwem i higieną pracy, Oficyna Wydawnicza Stowarzyszenia Menedżerów Jakości i Produkcji,  Częstochowa 2015

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