Energy Sector of the Future Energia, technologie kogeneracji i racjonalizacji gospodarowania energią

“Energy Sector of the Future” Competence Centre is one of five centers working within the IATI’s Centre of Competence at the Czestochowa University of Technology, in terms of OT 7 thematic area: Energy, Cogeneration and Technologies of Energy Efficiency, which involves all the faculties of Czestochowa University of Technology. Research and science potential of “Energy Sector of the Future” Centre allows to realize planned projects with domestic and foreign partners in a comprehensive manner. Access to cooperate with our Competence Centre has already been signed with: GDF Suez Energy Poland SA, Philips Lighting Poland SA, Carrywater Group SA, APA s. z o.o., Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG. We are currently consulting our work with potential partners from foreign Research Centers as well as with the local government units. The main focus of our Competence Center will be aimed at the development of research projects such as Horizon 2020 and Sectorial Project for Energetics. AGH and Wroclaw University of Technology are the main partners in the arm of IATI.

Institute of Electroenergetics

Czestochowa University of Technology

Armii Krajowej St. 17

42-200 Czestochowa

e-mail: szkutnik@el.pcz.czest.pl, rsobota@el.pcz.czest.pl

tel: +4834 3250808, +4834 3250824, +48 602344839, +48 606761035

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