Universities for EU Projects – nowy nabór

Szanowni Państwo,

Przekazujemy kolejne informacje dotyczące naboru studentów w ramach programu Universities for EU Projects.

Dear Sir/Madame,
thank you for your interest in participating in the Erasmus+ KA1 mobility project for traineeship “Universities for EU Projects” as host organizations. We are about to publish the next call for the period between the 1st December 2016 and the 30th June 2017, for an average duration of 4 months internship. If you wish to host more trainees, please fill in the schedule attached by the 23rd September (annex 1) and send it back to info@eu-gen.org.

Please find attached the description of the project and a link to a video of presentation of the project: Youtube

Also, we would kindly ask you to help us improving the project, by filling in the survey at the following link.

We remind you that the project is led by SEND Sicily and implemented together with EuGen as Intermediary Organization. It is financed under Erasmus + Programme KA1 and offers mobility grants to students from a consortium of 8 main Italian Universities willing to develop competences and experience in European projects design and management. There are no costs for host organizations as trainees receive a grant from the project and an insurance from their University. The matching between students and host organization is organized as follows: eligible students will have access to a database of host organizations’ profiles which can be filtered by field of activity and country, to choose their favourite ones and put forward their candidatures. Consequentially, you will have the chance to arrange a Skype call interview with the candidates that you select. In addition to this, you will have direct access to a database containing information on the students’ profiles that can be filtered by field of interest and spoken language.

Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate contact us. We thank you in advance for your collaboration.

Kind regards,

Carmela Francolino

EuGen – European Generation
Intermediary organization
„Universities for EU projects” KA1 Erasmus+
tel.: +44 (0)7982607148; +39 338 8619924



pdf-icon  Annex

pdf-icon  Call for Hosts

